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(PIRs) Electrical Test Certificate – More Than Just a Piece of Paper

Electrical Test Certificate - PAT Group Ireland

In the effort to protect your business or residential spaces from electrical hazards, periodic inspections of fixed wire testing (PIRs) are required every five years to inspect, maintain and or facilitate repairs to existing electrical systems as they can deteriorate with time and usage. After successfully completing the testing the business will be awarded with an Electrical Test Certificate which shows that the business has passed the safety check. While PAT testing is carried out annually and often with no disruption to the workplace, periodic inspections are a more comprehensive process, which involves the power being off for prolonged periods of time. Due to this, we often recommend for our clients to carry out testing before or after business hours, or on the weekends for clients who are unable to accommodate testing Monday-Friday.

How Often Do You Need To Get An Electrical Test Certificate?

As noted above, most businesses or residences will require periodic fixed wire testing once every five years; however, some businesses will need inspections every three years due to unique circumstances of space/usage of the electrical system. Of course, a qualified technician will provide clients with detailed feedback and recommendations from their inspections and reports, as reference for future maintenance intervals or works and for insurance purposes.

Periodic Inspection Reports (PIR)

Following a periodic inspection, a PIR (or periodic inspection report) is completed and provided to the client. A PIR can only be completed by a qualified registered electrical contractor, who has undertaken extensive training and is well versed with the national rules for electrical installations. The electrical contractor is required to submit a PIR to their client to demonstrate the contractor and businesses adherence to the National Standards Authority of Ireland’s National Rules for Electrical Installation (ET 101). While the PIR is required, it is not a completion certificate. The PIR notes the condition of electrical systems and installations and is provided to clients with a completed test record sheet to show how the system is operating and if any additional works need to be scheduled.

PIR Numeric System for Repairs

PIRs will note any issues with equipment or wiring throughout the space (ie., damage, deterioration) and recommend necessary works. Necessary works will be ranked on a numeric system from 1-4 to demonstrate the repairs needed:

  1. Requires urgent attention
  2. Requires improvement
  3. Requires some attention
  4. Does not comply with current National Rules for Electrical Installations

Please note that being given a 4 does not necessarily mean that an electrical system is unsafe, but that it needs to be updated to demonstrate compliance.

Get Your Electrical Test Certificate

Although this blog briefly explains why periodic inspections are necessary and how the Periodic Inspection Reports (PIRs) are written to provide clients with comprehensive analysis of their electrical systems and installations, we welcome any further enquiries about the process and service for existing and future clients. If you need a cert or have any questions about PIRs then give us a call now on 01-9602636 or contact us online.

If you found this guide helpful make sure you check out our post about fixed wire testing for Irish businesses.

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